The Mosque Diaries: The Story of a Mosque Violating City Code For Years
When Third Rail Talk learned about a Minnesota mosque violating their conditional use permit and the impact this has had on one Bloomington neighborhood, we decided to investigate the story and to see if it’s true. What we found was shocking. This is our attempt to make this story heard by more people.
The Islamic Mosque in Bloomington, Minnesota is one of the most controversial mosques in America and the largest one in Minnesota. Dar-Al-Farooq is dedicated to the implementation of Sharia Islamic Law in America! This type of law, Sharia ‘law’, is against the Constitution of the United States.
To begin with, the head of the mosque is an imam trained in Egyptian and Saudi Arabia. Waleed Al-Maneese is one of the most dangerous imams in America. He openly preaches Sharia and issues fatwas! Fatwas are public judgements the imams issue which allow any Muslim who accepts the authority of the imam to carry them out, including death penalties.
Preaching Sharia Islamic Law is an attempt at establishing a judicial system other than American Law and it should concern every American. This so-called ‘legal system’ finds nothing wrong with honor killings, Female Genital Mutilation, and Jihad. It should be of great concern to all Minnesotans that the City of Bloomington has allowed a fundamentalist Islamic preacher to expand the operations of Dar-Al-Farooq right in the heart of the Bloomington.
Fox News has reported that over 30 jihdaists are reported to have been associated with Dar-Al-Farooq through the years.
But let’s turn our attention to an issue that should have raised red flags a long time ago whether this was a church, a synagogue or a mosque.
To be more specific, the mosque has been violating City Code since it took possession of the property in Bloomington. Dar Al-Farooq has 157 parking spots they fill to max capacity every single Friday. The mosque also has a non-exclusive use of the Smith Park parking lot situated right next to the mosque. However their exclusive use of the lot has hampered park patrons from using Smith Park to a point where the mosque now treats it as their own property.
According to city policy, parking in and around the neighborhood is only to be used for special occasions, and only a few times a year:
Additionally, the City does not allow businesses to rely on the on-street parking, and yet, the mosque patrons park in the street weekly which is against City policy.
This means that Dar-Al-Farooq has been violating the conditional use permit every single week since 2011 when they purchased the property.
SEE THE EVIDENCE FOR YOURSELF! Click here to see for yourself the evidence of many years of violation of city code:
The Bloomington City Council has turned a blind eye to the violations of the mosque…and local residents have all but given up trying to have their voices heard. What you are seeing, is in fact happening EVERY SINGLE WEEK. Imagine this occurring on your street on a weekly basis!
In America today religious facilities are permitted in residential districts if the conditional use permit standards outlined in the city code are met. [3]
In the United States schools and churches are commonly allowed in residential districts, but only after a special exception, conditional use, or special use permit has been issued. In Bloomington, schools and churches are identified as institutional uses and a City Code created in 2013 requires these uses to be adjacent to an a collector street
Dar Al Farooq however, is surrounded by residential streets.
While schools and churches are generally compatible with homes, this is not always the case, particularly when a megachurch or megaschool is proposed within an existing neighborhood. These oversized schools and churches can generate traffic, noise, light-pollution, and other impacts more akin to a shopping center, and therefore not permitted in residential neighborhoods.
But these stringent standards don’t seem to apply when it comes to Dar-Al-Farooq. Furthermore, as we shall see in the following episodes of the Mosque Diaries, the real owner of this property is not even the mosque but a for-profit and out-of-state commercial organization called Al-Jazari Institute LLC.
Before that, let’s take a look at how all this began.
In 2011 an organization calling itself Al Farooq Youth and Family Center completed their purchase of a building at 8201 Park Ave. South in Bloomington. We will tell you more about that transaction in a later episode. The building was originally used as Northgate Elementary School, part of the Bloomington public school system. For a while it was a private school owned by the Lutheran High School Association, and later the Concordia Academy Association of Schools. Concordia ended up selling it to the mosque. The history of that transaction is yet another strange sub-story we may explore in another video.
The mosque management claims traffic is not very heavy so we wanted to see for ourselves just how busy things get at the mosque.. every single Friday.
We saw cars moving at high speeds down the street. On a few occasions some of the cars almost collided.. right in front of us.
The public parking lot became completely filled to capacity during mosque prayer hours. In brief, none of this should be happening under the conditional use permit that Dar Al-Farooq must abide and comply with.
But what we weren’t prepared for was the reaction of the Muslims asking us “Are you allowed to film?”
Our response? “Yes we are. We are standing on public property and absolutely have the right to document what’s happening here every single Friday at Dar-Al-Farooq”.
Since the First Amendment gives us the right to film as long as we are on public property we decided to film what a normal Friday looks like. This is what our camera caught on Friday – December 14th, 2018.
Can you imagine any church violating their conditional use permit like this on a weekly basis?
Why is the City of Bloomington pretending they are unaware of the impact all this is having on this Bloomington neighbourhood?
Local residents are moving out. They have grown tired of being ignored, ridiculed, and belittled by a mosque breaking city code on a weekly basis.
The intense use of the property has brought dangerous levels of traffic that includes dangerous speeds. The neighborhood has also seen crime increase.
Many people are frustrated with a City Council bending over to accommodate the Muslims in the name of political correctness. Fear has silenced a good number of people
So again….Do we have the right to film?
Yes, we will film and report on future mosque violations. The Mosque Diaries will chronicle this and other cases of mosques abusing freedom of religion to propagate an ideology actually aimed at destroying Liberty.
We will also report on the City of Bloomington closing their eyes to the continual abuse of Dar-Al-Farooq’s conditional use permit, and we will expose other parties involved in the Islamic takeover of Minnesota neighbourhoods through fraudulent transactions abusing conditional use permits.
Our hope is that the Mosque Diaries will help people in Minnesota become aware not only of the Bloomington situation but of a growing trend of mosques breaking the law and using political pressure to silence their critics in order to achieve their fundamentalist goals.
By Third Rail Talk

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
The coverage of Bloomington was very interesting.
Thanks, Beverly! The next Episode is in production. Expect even more interesting albeit troubling information about this case.
The proliferation of mosque development throughout the US is a political tactic through the use of foreign money to acquire real estate. If the elected officials of any district (mayors, city council officials, governors) are not responding to our concerns-their names must be divulged and exposed for the treason and cowardice they display. Do not allow public officials to erode America’s values like the European officials have done; the evidence is disastrous.
Our country is founded on Judeo-Christian values and WE THE PEOPLE must stand up against the encroachment of this political ideology win all it’s forms: mosques, Cair, Isna, Muslim Brotherhood, including the encroachment of islamic values win our schools. Freedom isn’t Free!
Why is there not a lawsuit started sueing the City . for the Activities happen outside the building .
And for devaluing the neighborhood home prices. And Sue for having to have moved away because it has become unsafe. Sure for the extra pollution .
Sue for discrimination,
Just curious.
Why no lawsuit? Because it takes resources and people who will expose themselves and their loved ones to great risk.