VIDEO: Pastor, Ex-Muslim Arrested, Handcuffed to a Metal Chair, Denied Attorney, Water, Men’s Room at The Mall of America

On July 31st of this year an Aeromexico jetliner took off in the midst of a storm in Northern Mexico. On board were 103 passengers. One of them, Iranian born, ex-Muslim now Christian pastor Ramin Parsa (age 32) was filming the take off when suddenly he realized the plane was going down. He cried out to Jesus for a miracle and a miracle was granted: all 103 passengers on board survived the plane crash! The aircraft – destroyed! Kare 11, the Minnesota affiliate of NBC, also covered the incident.
Watch the story on our YouTube:
How many stories like these have you heard? We can bet not many, if any at all.
But the story you are about to hear now is just as incredible and outrageous, even though highlighted in a much different light, and sadly, in a very different way.
At the Mall: At First, a Friendly Conversation
On August 27th Third Rail Talk interviewed California-based Pastor Ramin Parsa and discovered that while visiting Minnesota on a three-day visit, Pastor Parsa was invited by his host to visiting the Mall of America. While at the Mall, Pastor Parsa struck up a conversation with a couple of Somali women, who were asking him questions about his choice to leave Islam.
A third Somali woman who had joined in the conversation got upset. She demanded that the other two “not listen to this man”, and directed Pastor Parsa to leave them alone.
Frivolous Accusation by an Angry Somali Woman
The obviously angry Somali woman and found nearby Mall of America Security officer, to whom she complained about Pastor Ramin’s conversation as a “harassment”. Amazingly, the two Somali women engaged in the conversation with Pastor Parsa and his Minnesota host, actually spoke up in defense of Pastor Parsa, and indicated clearly to the Mall officer, that “they were just talking”.
The MOA security officer told the pastors that they were “not permitted to discuss religion in the Mall”, and demanded
Pastor Ramin and his Minnesota hosts said their goodbyes and left for a nearby coffee shop. When they exited the café, they were met by the original “security officer”, and now, accompanied by two more so-called MOA “security officers”.
“Security” demanded that Pastor Parsa leave the MOA “immediately” or be arrested. He responded by asking a respectful question as to “Why now”? “What have I done now”?
Handcuffed, Arrested, Denied Water And Call to an Attorney – For Hours
If any of this wasn’t bizarre enough, wait until you read this next part of this very true and sad story: Mall security handcuffed Pastor Parsa behind his back, and hauled him off to some detention room in the lower levels of the Mall. [Mall of America in-house jail?]. He was literally handcuffed to a steel chair—which was bolted to the floor—for the next two-plus hours of his life and harassed.
Pastor Parsa was denied water and a restroom break he requested. Meanwhile, he was being badgered by Mall security, attempting to barter “water for a demanded photograph of him”, (which he refused). He was also denied a phone call when he requested to speak to his attorney. His “Miranda rights” were not read to him either.
At some point, a Bloomington Police Officer came to the Mall and took pastor Parsa, handcuffed him once again from behind, and placed him into his BPD police cruiser. He was then taken to the Bloomington Police Department, booked, given a citation—to appear “personally” back in front of a Hennepin County Judge Minnesota—sometime into the future, and released on a $78 bail. According to pastor Parsa, the BPD officer never inquired as to what was the reason for the arrest in the first place.
Banned by The Mall, Court Appearance Pending
The Mall of America has banned pastor Parsa for 6 months from its premises, including the hotels, and he is now awaiting a court date.
Pastor Parsa was charged with “Criminal Trespassing” trespassing as per Bloomington City Code Sections 12.07-12.12
Pastor Ramin’s story is an amazing story of survival, courage and faith. He was born and raised in Iran. Which is to say, he was born into slavery, and forced servitude to a 1,400 year-old culture.
His family suffered greatly from the Iranian Islamic Revolution. One of his brothers was killed and most of their family’s possessions were taken.
Ramin first heard the message of Christianity through satellite TV and became a convert while still in Iran, and later escaped. He is now pastoring a church in California, has his own YouTube Channel and has published a book telling his story in detail.
To contribute to pastor Parsa’s legal fund, visit his GoFundMe page:
You can get in touch with pastor Ramin through his website at

Upon hearing this story we were
It is our opinion that Minnesota owes pastor Ramin Parsa not only to dismiss the trespass charges but to also investigate this case and hold accountable those who demonstrated such poor judgment.
12/12/2018 UPDATE: Hennepin
VIDEO: Pastor, Ex-Muslim Arrested, Handcuffed to a Metal Chair, Denied Attorney, Water and Men’s Room Access for Hours at the Mall of America. [Part 1] by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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What would be the reason for not naming the mall security officer or the arresting cop??
the Pastor is working with attorneys to weigh his options.
I would hope he can sue Bloomington PD as well as MOA. Unbelievable violation of his civil rights. And I’d like to know whether the woman complaining about him was named. She should be sued as well for falsely accusing him. It’s Rozin Security Consultants that provide security for the mall as far as I know.
Thanks for your feedback!